This is more like a… let’s see if I’m doing this right sort of thing. Restaurants call it a soft opening, but I think that sounds weird and I don’t like it. In the book biz we call it an advance reader copy. Let’s go with that.
Advance Reader Copy:
Hello, I’m Brian Biggs. I’m an illustrator, writer, and designer in Philadelphia.
And this is (not) the first edition of Random Orbit, which is my new, free, newsletter. This particular issue is a welcome note, and a thanks for being here. If you are receiving this, it is either because you signed up to receive it, or I thought for some reason you might like to receive it. There is a grey area of some of you who bought something off my web-store and were added to my mailing list. In either case, please feel free to unsubscribe if you already receive too many emails, or if you just wanted the stickers and leave me alone. There is a button at the bottom of this letter that allows you to do that. Or you can just email me, no questions asked.
Uncorrected Proof
I plan for Random Orbit to be mostly about my art and illustration: what I am working on, what is being published that I would like you to know about, sketches, thoughts about drawing tools, and so on. It will often be about writing and how hard it is for me to write good. I mean well. Write well. And at times it will include things that seem to have no connection at all, but, to me, serve toward making the things that I make. Sometimes it might read like a blog. Or a journal. Sometimes it might look like a sketchbook.
I hope to get an issue out once every two weeks or so. Sometimes, like when i’m buried under a deadline, it might be less than that. Sometimes, when I am feeling chatty, it might be more.
As long as I publish Random Orbit, it will, one way or another, be free. Maybe one day I'll see a good reason to have a paid upgrade of some kind. Maybe that would be secret sketches of works in progress. A serialized story of some kind. Some sort of how-to teachy thing. But the basic newsletter, that will be free. Right now there are ~150 of you, and I’m just glad you’re here.
PS: Does anyone get the pipe reference?
Ceci n'est pas un bulletin d'information.
Re: Pipe reference
How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A fish.
If you don't think that's funny, I guess surrealism jokes aren't your cup of fur.